What will Leaders learn from YLC?

[GRAPHIC DESC 1: A background with horizontal yellow on the top and green on the bottom. On the center, a large dark orange bubble with white and yellow text: “What will Leaders learn from YLC?” On the bottom right corner, the NAD Youth Leadership Camp logo is in green and white.]

[GRAPHIC DESC 2: A green background with a yellow banner on the top. The NAD Youth Leadership Camp logo presents on the top left corner with a green and white text: “Who are the leaders?” Below, it has a white text: “At Youth Leadership Camp, our” On the center from left to right in white text: “Campers” On the right, a small curved text above a white arrow: “are referred to as” that pointed to another text: “Leaders” Below, another white text: “YLC Staff” On the right, a small curved text above a white arrow: “are referred to as” that pointed to another text: “Builders.” On the bottom center, a white text: “YLC is designed to provide Leaders with the training and educational opportunities necessary to transition to opportunities in higher education, meaningful employment, and leadership development.]

[GRAPHIC DESC 2: A green background with a yellow banner on the top. The NAD Youth Leadership Camp logo presents on the top left corner with a green and white text: “Who are the leaders?” Below, it has a white text: “At Youth Leadership Camp, our” On the center from left to right in white text: “Campers” On the right, a small curved text above a white arrow: “are referred to as” that pointed to an animated text that suddenly appeared: “Leaders” Below, another white text: “YLC Staff” On the right, a small curved text above a white arrow: “are referred to as” that pointed to an animated text that suddenly appeared: “Builders.” On the bottom center, a white text: “YLC is designed to provide Leaders with the training and educational opportunities necessary to transition to opportunities in higher education, meaningful employment, and leadership development.]

[GRAPHIC DESC 3: A background with vertical dark orange on the left, green on the right, and a yellow banner on the top. The NAD Youth Leadership Camp logo presents on the top left corner with a green and white text: “Leaders will experience” On the left side, it consists a list in white text: “Learning about self-identity, confidence, and self-esteem” “Building their self-advocacy and leadership skills” and “Participating in outdoor activities to encourage teamwork & communication skills”. On the right side, it consists of another list in white text: “Gaining a better understanding their disability & civil rights” “participating in workshops on various topics including self-advocacy, peer mentoring, and more” and “Introducing to different options for education and training opportunities after high school”. On the bottom center, a larger white and yellow text: “and more!”]

[GRAPHIC DESC 4: A green background with a yellow banner on the top. The NAD Youth Leadership Camp logo presents on the top left corner with a green and white text: “Our Leaders need your support!” Below, it has a white text: “Our Deaf and Hard of Hearing Leaders are important part of our future to flourish, be role models, and advocate for our communities”. On the bottom left, an illustration of a phone with a text bubble on its screen. Next to the illustrated phone in white and yellow text: ‘text “VirtualYLC” to 44-321’.]

Facebook: We share some of the many benefits that our Deaf Youth (referred to as Leaders during Youth Leadership Camp) will gain from attending our upcoming #VirtualYLC! How to donate to support our Deaf Youth: you can donate any amount by texting “VirtualYLC” to 44-321! #DeafYouth #SupportDeafYouth #NADYouth #VirtualYLC #LongLiveYLC #YLC2021 — In this space, all comments must be respectful. This means that any abusive, offensive or oppressive comments on our social media are not acceptable.

Instagram: We share some of the many benefits that our Deaf Youth (referred to as Leaders) will gain from attending our upcoming Virtual Youth Leadership Camp! How to donate to support our Deaf Youth: you can donate any amount by texting “VirtualYLC” to 44-321! #DeafYouth #SupportDeafYouth #NADYouth #VirtualYLC #LongLiveYLC #YLC2021