Daily Drum Issue #3

Team A worked on our Daily Drum issue today!

GRAPHIC DESC: A yellow lined paper with green, red and blue paint. NAD YLC and Daily Drum header is centered on the page with black text “July 24, 2019, Volume 5, Team A”

Our Daily Drum issues are developed, written, edited and designed by our YLC 2018 leaders.

YLC Class Coverages

During the leaders’ (campers) stay at Youth Leadership Camp in Stayton. Oregon, the builders (staff) partner up into four group and teach exciting and interesting information.

The classes include Daily Drum (DD), Discovery, and Outdoor Living Skills (OLS). The team of leaders who attend Daily Drum classes on specific days learn about media, filming. Newsletters, editing, and more. The teams who attend discovery classes perform activities that teach them how to analyze themselves, teamwork, trusting each other and communication skills. Outdoor living skills is a class where the teams learn important survival skills that relate to when people go camping or hiking, and so on.

Each class is filled with laughter, critical thinking, fun, challenges and teamwork!

Written by Madison Bongard


Council de Manos

On third day of Youth Leadership Camp, we had two guest speakers. The guest speakers were Roberto Cabrera and Jose Resendiz. Roberto was born in Dominican Republic and Jose was born in Mexico. Jose was a former camper of YLC 2013. They were very excited to give us the speech about organization and their experiences.

They explained their organization, Council de Manos, with the reason why they set up this organization. Inspiring was what they hoped their message would be. We all realized how assuming things about others was very putting down. Roberto mentioned, along with his co-presenter., Jose, that it’s better to end something with a question mark, not a period. Periods are very powerful.

Later in the night, at fireside, Roberto gave us an opportunity to chat with him while he was blind due to the dark night. It was an amazing experience, we all learned something new that day regarding Council de Manos and Roberto. The night ended with our traditional “Y-L-C 20-18 GOOD-NIGHT!”

Co-written by Meghan Luebheusen, Emily Nover, Maddie Bongard