AR 2017-2018 Text

NAD 2017-2018 Annual Report 

IMAGE DESC: The entire poster has a gray background with some stripes in lower opacity on top and bottom with either white or black text. Teal is also a primary color throughout the poster used in banners, graphics, and some numbers.

On the top of the poster, on the left side, is the NAD logo. To the right of the logo, in the center is the “National Association of the Deaf” with underneath. Below that is a banner “ANNUAL REPORT / April 1, 2017- March 31, 2018”.

The first section is “Education Advocacy”. In the center of the section is a gray map of the U.S. with a white outline with some states in teal. Top left is a white icon of tent and trees with the Oregon state shaded in blue to indicate YLC. Top center is a white icon of a football with the Minnesota state shaded in blue to indicate the Super Bowl. Throughout three states, also shaded in blue is an icon of a table with chairs surrounding to indicate the board meetings. On the left, in white text “NATIONAL CONFERENCES ATTENDED” with the number 5 in a circle underneath. A quill pen icon is in black with the text, “BILLS WORKED ON” in bulleted format: EDHI (Federal level), IDEA Amendment Bill (Cogswell-Macy Act), Signing is Language Bill (federal bill from Washington Rep), LEAD-K (state level), Deaf Children Bill of Rights. To the right, In black text is “198 EDUCATION ADVOCACY INTAKES” with the smaller text underneath: VR, IEP, 504, interpreters, School Placement, and more. There is a group of people icon in blue, black, white, and grey. To the right is an icon of a degree with the white text “GRADUATION PRESENTATIONS” with “THE LEARNING CENTER” / “HAWAII” underneath. To the right, “PRODUCTS” is in black text with a bullet list: Gift of Language Campaign, Parent Advocacy app (pending release), National Deaf Education Conference 2017 in Indianapolis with 151 attendees including international presenters/visitors from 10 countries. To the right, in black text “STATE LEVEL TRAININGS” with the number 6 with states listed: VIRGINIA, RHODE ISLAND, ALABAMA (2), NEW YORK, KANSAS; underneath is an icon of a person with a map and a blue arrow pointing upwards showing trajectory.

The next section below is “Legislative Training”. First, on the left, is a white location icon with “LEGISLATIVE TRAINING PROVIDED” and states listed: OHIO, SOUTH DAKOTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, OKLAHOMA, IOWA, NATIONAL DGM. To the right is a white clock icon and large blue “44” with “LEGISLATIVE TRAINING HOURS”. To the right is a white certificate icon and large blue number 205 with black text: “CERTIFICATES GIVEN OUT”. To the right is “TOP 5 ISSUES” listing in order: 1) LEAD-K / 2) EDUCATION / 3) INTERPRETING / 4) EMPLOYMENT / 5) EARLY INTERVENTION.

The next section is “Federal/Policy”. On the right is text “LAW AND ADVOCACY CENTER (LAC) INTAKES with smaller text underneath “(DATA IS APPROXIMATE).” An icon of a person on a computer (indicating what looks like a VRS call) with an arrow pointing to a file box and the number “1,372 LAC INTAKES” and then an arrow to another file folder underneath “340 POLICY INTAKES”. The next white arrow leads to the “TOP 18 CATEGORIES” with a list: 242 healthcare, 223 Employment & VR, 117 General Inquiries & Other, 123 Education, 74 Jail/Prison, 65 Police, 53 Courts, 48 Businesses and Companies, 44 TRS Denial, 37 Lawyer, 36 Family LAW/CPS, 35 Events, 30 Immigration, 26 Criminal Law, 25 Interpreters and Interpreter Agencies, 22 Landlord and Tenant, 20 Local Government and 10 Housing. To the right is “POLICY INTAKES” with “275” with a list in order underneath: 1) CAPTIONING / 2) CDL / 3) HR620 / 4) DATA PLANS / 5) TRANSPORTATION / 6) VRS. To the rIght is a white location icon with “CITIES VISITED” with list underneath: GOLDEN, COLORADO and BERKLEY, CALIFORNIA. Below that is “NUMBER OF INTERNSHIPS” and “4 = 1,424”. Below that is “POLICY FILINGS” with “39” and a square bracket leading towards a list with numbers of filings per line: 27) FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION / 1) DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION / 1) TRANSPORTATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION / 6) CONGRESS / 1) GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE / 3) DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG COMMUNICATIONS.

The next section is “Events”. On the left is text “NAD LEADERSHIP TRAINING CONFERENCE- SEPTEMBER 2017” with smaller text underneath “OKLAHOMA CITY, OK”. Below is “NUMBER OF WORKSHOPS” and “27”. Next to that is “192 and NUMBER OF ATTENDEES” in smaller text below that. Below the text is a group of people icon in white and black. Next to that is a group of people in black and blue icon in with a heart in the center of each person’s chest, listed underneath is in smaller text is “NUMBER OF VOLUNTEERS” and “9”. To the right is “NAD GALA- NOVEMBER 2017 with smaller text underneath WASHINGTON, D.C.” Underneath is “AWARDS GIVEN” with a blue carpet icon with “200+ ATTENDEES” on the carpet. At the end of the carpet is a blue star with “6” inside of the star. To the right is “NFL SUPER BOWL LII- FEBRUARY 2018 with smaller text underneath MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA.” A blue football icon is below it. To the right is a black icon of a table with chairs surrounding it, in the center of the table is a white “3”. Below is “BOARD MEETINGS with smaller text listed HARTFORD, CT, APRIL 2017/ OKLAHOMA CITY, OK, SEPTEMBER 2017/HONOLULU, HI, JANUARY 2018”.

The section below is “Described and Captioned Media Program”. The first row starts off with “” with a square bracket to the text, “Debut of a completely redesigned website.” Next to that is a icon of a laptop and the number “6” in blue with the text “ONLINE TRAINING MODULES OFFERED.” On the right is a blue icon of a new file tab with a square bracket leading towards the text “911 NEW ITEMS ADDED to the collection of on-demand accessible, educational media. The DCMP collection currently has almost 7.500 titles. the second row white clock icon and large white “430k” with a square bracket leading to the text “APPROXIMATE NUMBER OF HOURS of accessible content via various platforms. Next is a large font “6.2M with PAGE VIEWS” in smaller text below and a blue magnifier beside it. A square bracket leads to the text “Distributed technical assistance and informational articles, captioning, and description guidelines, and other media through the Learning Center and Gateway.” The last row of the section on the left starts with “118” and “NEW EPISODES ADDED” in smaller text. The square bracket leads to the text “With the continuation of the Accessible Television Portal, which provides access to accessible versions of children’s television programming.”

The next section is “Community”. On the far right are icons of a black laptop with a Facebook like thumbs up sign in the center, a blue tablet with a heart, and a white iPhone with a play button. The first row on the right has the text “Facebook” and the Facebook icon in blue. Next to it is “33.5K with FOLLOWERS” in smaller text underneath. The text next to it says “Ask Howard Anything” video released in September 2017 had more than 66,000 views.” The second row has the text “Instagram” and the Instagram icon in black. Next to it is “16K with FOLLOWERS” in smaller text underneath. The text next to it says “TOP VIEWS” and listed below is
1) “Singer Leslie Odom signs “I support ASL” 7,428 views” 2) “Jr. NAD members discuss how workshop topics apply to their everyday lives” 7,055 views. The third row has the text “Twitter” and the Twitter icon in blue. Next to it is “18.5K with FOLLOWERS” in smaller text underneath. The text next to it says “TOP 3 POSTS” and listed below is
1)”The Silent Child” Wins an Oscar, March 2018; 2) House of Reps to vote on ADA Education and Reform Act of 2017, February 2018; 3) Eleven Deaf and Hard of Hearing lawyers sworn in and admitted to the Bar of the United States Supreme Court, January 2018. The fourth and last row has the text “YouTube” and the YouTube icon in red. Next to it is “1,282 with VIDEOS” in smaller text underneath. Next to it is “4,197 with SUBSCRIBERS” in smaller text underneath.The text next to it says “TOP 3 VIDEOS and listed below is 1)ALERT: EDHI Is Up for Re-Authorization, April 2017; 2)Ask Howard Anything 2017, April 2017; 3)Deaf History That- “Education”, April 2017.

The next section is “Youth”. The top left has a black icon of a tent and trees and a group of people icon in blue, black, white, and grey. Below is the text “Youth Leadership Camp 2017” in black and “STAYTON, OREGON” in smaller white text below. Below that is “63 CAMPERS” and “23 STAFF” next to each other. next to that is “YOUTH AMBASSADOR TANEA BROWN.” Below is “6” in a circle with “Total Visits” next to it. There is also a white clock icon with a large blue “192” with the text “Total Hours of Community Service” underneath. To the right is “26 Biennial Jr. NAD Conference” in black text and “OMAHA, NE” in white text underneath. Below is the text “PARTICIPANTS” with these statistics side by side “82 DELEGATES & OBSERVERS/38 ADVISORS/23 JR. NAD CHAPTERS”. On the far right is the number “9” in a circle with the text “Total Guest Presenters” below it as well as an icon of a person with a map and a blue arrow pointing upwards showing trajectory.

The next section is “Financial Activity.” On the far left is a large dollar sign with three different sections, the sections are colored in the dollar sign in the following order: grey, teal, and dark blue. There is corresponding text for each section in both black and white text, the top section “$3.5M” and “TOTAL REVENUE” in smaller text underneath. The text below that is “$2.5M” and “TOTAL PUBLIC SUPPORT” in smaller text underneath. Below that is this text “$432K” and “TOTAL PROGRAM REVENUE” in smaller text underneath. Right below that is in slightly smaller text is “544K” and “TOTAL OTHER REVENUE” in slightly smaller text. Next to the icon is “Revenue” with a blue and white $ icon with an arrow. In list format: “PUBLIC SUPPORT: FEDERAL GRANTS/CONTRACTS/1,863,560, MEMBERSHIP/124,752, BEQUESTS/219,420, OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS/ 329,764. TOTAL PUBLIC SUPPORT/ 2,537,496.” ”PROGRAM REVENUE: LEGAL CONSULTING AND COURT AWARDS/177,401, YOUTH PROGRAMS/157,081, CONFERENCES/97,630.TOTAL PROGRAM REVENUE/432,112.” “OTHER REVENUE: INVESTMENT INCOME:489,277, OTHER INCOME:55,536. TOTAL OTHER REVENUES/544,813.” “TOTAL REVENUES: 315,421.” to the far right is another icon with “Expenses” with a blue and white $ icon with an arrow. In list format: “PROGRAM SERVICES: FEDERAL GRANTS/1,863, LAW AND ADVOCACY/474,011, YOUTH PROGRAMS/ 228,869, MARKETING/132,628, MEMBERSHIP/81,731, CONFERENCES/54,969.” “TOTAL PROGRAM SERVICES EXPENSES/2,835,768.” “SUPPORTING SERVICES: MANAGEMENT AND GENERAL/274,053, FUNDRAISING EXPENSES/28,610.” “TOTAL SUPPORTING SERVICES EXPENSES/ 302,663.” “TOTAL EXPENSES/3,138,431.” “CHANGE IN NET ASSETS/375,990.” “NET ASSETS, BEGINNING OF YEAR/6,687,440.” “NET ASSETS, END OF YEAR/ 7,063,430.”

The last section of the report is “Where We Are Now”. On the far left is a money bag icon with “$201.7K” and “TOTAL DONATIONS” in smaller text below. Next is three smaller money bag icons in circles in blue outlines. The first circle says “$109,750 CORPORATE DONATIONS”, the second says “$87,062 INDIVIDUAL DONATIONS” and the third circle has “$4,940 ‘IN-KIND’ DONATIONS”. On the far right is “SPONSORS” with these sponsors listed below in white text, “Alternate Communication Services, AMC Networks/Sundance Now, Anderson Family Foundation, Brown Goldstein Levy, CBS, CIA, ClearCaptions, Comcast/NBC Universal, Einsen & Baum, Gallaudet University, Lyft, JP Morgan Chase & Co., Microsoft, NFL Foundation, NTID/RIT, Purple Communications, ZVRS, Renaissance Washington D.C. Downtown Hotel, SLRS, Sorenson Communications, Sprint Relay/Federal Relay, TracFone Wireless, Verizon, and VOTEC.