Transcript: I Got an Interview

VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: The NAD logo appears on bottom right corner as a watermark. On-screen graphic with comic style with black and white video footage in background shows title: “I GOT AN INTERVIEW” 

On-screen-text ID: ISIDORE / HR MANAGER 

ISIDORE: The interview is your opportunity to sell yourself! The resume and cover letter aren’t enough to convince employers that you’re the right fit. It is your opportunity to expand on your points that you made in your resume and cover letter, how it applies to everyday life. And why not tell your story while you’re at it! You can inspire the panel. 

On-screen graphic with comic style with a “wow” factor spins into frame as the background video freezes in black and white: TELL YOUR STORY. 

Video clips transition from right to left with a comic style white border separating both clips. 

On-screen-text ID: AMY / RMDS DIRECTOR 

AMY: I’ve handled many interviews and I’m always impressed with applicants who did their homework before the interview. 

On-screen graphic with comic style with a “wow” factor spins into frame as the background video freezes in black and white: DO YOUR HOMEWORK. 

AMY: It is the fact that they took the time to learn about my school, the mission statement, and our philosophy. They’re able to answer questions – especially bilingual related questions, since my school strongly believes in that. That’s what impresses me the most. 

Video clips transition from right to left with a comic style white border separating both clips. 

ISIDORE: Sometimes the skills alone aren’t enough to determine the hire so they’re looking to see if your personality fits their company. The interview is for them to get to know you as a person. 

On-screen graphic with comic style with a “wow” factor spins into frame as the background video freezes in black and white: BE YOURSELF. 

ISIDORE: It’s important that you’re comfortable to talk about yourself and that you’re ready to answer and share. And honestly, if you’re nervous – it’s okay if you tell them! 

Video clips transition from right to left with a comic style white border separating both clips. AMY: I also look for their soft skills. 

On-screen graphic with comic style with a “wow” factor spins into frame as the background video freezes in black and white: YOUR SOFT SKILLS. 

AMY: It’s good to tell us what you know but perhaps, instead, I need to know if you’re a team player and that you can work well with other teachers. That’s what I look for during interviews because they’re important. 

Video clips transition from right to left with a comic style white border separating both clips. 


JOHN: When you approach near the end of the interview and someone from the panel asks if you have any questions – oftentimes, candidates usually say they don’t have any questions. Don’t miss your opportunity to ask questions! 

On-screen graphic with comic style with a “wow” factor spins into frame as the background video freezes in black and white: ASK QUESTIONS. 

JOHN: You want to impress the company and the boss. It’s okay to have a list of pre-written questions to bring with you during your interview. That way, during the interview you can check your notes and ask the questions you wrote in advance. 

Video clips transition from right to left with a comic style white border separating both clips. 

ISIDORE: After the interview, you should do two things. First, email them a simple thank you. Avoid lengthy emails – simply thank them for the interview. Second, suppose you were not satisfied with a response to a question they asked during the interview – go ahead and expand on that response in your email. 

On-screen graphic with comic style with a “wow” factor spins into frame as the background video freezes in black and white: ADD EXTRA INFO. 

Video clips transition from right to left with a comic style white border separating both clips. 

AMY: You should always follow up because the search committee is busy and progresses quickly. While it may seem they forgot, it is likely that they probably had so many other interviews to coordinate. It’s always great to follow up! 

On-screen graphic with comic style with a “wow” factor spins into frame as the background video freezes in black and white: FOLLOW UP. 

Video clips transition from right to left with a comic style white border separating both clips. 

JOHN: Sometimes the hiring process involves a search committee of several. The boss gathers each committee member’s feedback and makes a decision based on their input. The boss will ask, “Which candidate is the right fit for this company?”  

On-screen graphic with comic style with a “wow” factor spins into frame as the background video freezes in black and white: RIGHT FIT. 

Video clips transition from right to left with a comic style white border separating both clips. 

AMY: If they don’t hire you, it’s important that you ask them for their feedback to see if there’s anything you can improve on. 

On-screen graphic with comic style with a “wow” factor spins into frame as the background video freezes in black and white: ASK FOR FEEDBACK.

AMY: It may not be about your skills and perhaps they’re looking for a specific skill that you don’t have. They may share advice so you can do better next time. 

Video cuts to grey background with the NAD logo quickly changing in different bright colors from teal to white to black to hot pink to green to orange to teal to yellow to purple to finally the official NAD logo with copyright text underneath “The National Association of the Deaf (c) 2019 All Rights Reserved”.